
Writing code is a craftmansship that has to be constantly practiced and creating small open source projects public for anyone to find provides me not only with the motivation to learn new things but also automatically forces me to keep certain quality standards I know and value from other open source projects I use. 

Currently the focus is mainly on C#, both pure .net core but also on Unity projects. Especially the Unity community can benefit from open source libraries that that blend these 2 worlds further and make the already great Unity ecosystem even more awesome :) 

Bringing over some of the concepts and best practices from other frontend ecosystems like the web frontend world turned out to be a lot of fun combined with the cross platform potential of C# & Unity turned out to be a great testbed for many different application scenarios.

If I find something interesting to share or have some free time to work on a project if I share it at all it will be on Twitter, feel free to follow me below

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Find all my open source projects at github.com/cs-util-com


cscore is a lightweight library providing commonly used helpers & patterns for your C# projects like events, injection logic, logging and much more (examples below). It can be used in both pure C# and Unity projects.